Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I've tried a few things to help my anxiety. I started therapy when I was a junior in college when I was diagnosed with depression (damn you Organic Chemistry!). Therapy has been a huge help for me. Talking to someone who you can talk to objectively about your problems and who can give you a fresh perspective can change how you view everything. This time around I needed something a bit more than just someone to talk to.

My therapist now has given me tons of tools to help manage my anxiety. I already told you guys about my daily reader, A Restful Mind and I've mentioned a bit about How I Met Your Mother. The reason I watch How I Met Your Mother when I'm having an anxiety attack stems from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which is a psychotherapeutic approach that addresses dysfunctional emotions and maladaptive behaviors. CBT is "problem focused" and "action oriented". But I'm no good with this lingo. Basically cognitive behavioral theory is taking a "bad" behavior and replacing it with something else. When you feel an anxiety attack coming on go take a shower, or watch something that will make you laugh, or cook. This therapy is meant to promote calming behaviors and stop your anxiety in it's tracks. It attempts to change the signals in your brain that with anxiety comes something funny or something calming and hopefully eventually you won't need them anymore.

But that's a terrible explanation. All I know is, Laughter is the best medicine. 

Other techniques I picked up was reaching out to my support system, aka my boyfriend Ethan. When you stay in your own head, you become your worst enemy and that can just make things worse. I used to be afraid that if I talked about it out loud it would make my problems real, and if they're in my head then they aren't real. In reality when you reach out to someone and just tell them "Hey I'm having a bit of an issue with this and I was wondering if you could just help". Your friends and family are there to care, love and support you. Be honest, and explicit about what you need and you'll be okay.

A final technique that has helped me the most, but I seldom practice anymore is yoga. Yoga promotes mindfulness, balance and self-love. A crockpot of self care and the perfect recipe for recovery. I feel in touch with myself and my life feels balanced. If you can't do a whole practice, simple breathing exercises can help tremendously to bring you back to center.

"Just take a deep breath in ... and a deep breath out and decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it."

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